Most reverse flow smokers have welded in baffles, which prevent easy cleaning and more control of your cook. The reverse flow smoker is a variation of the offset smoker, and it works by using a series of baffles to redirect hot air and smoke through the cooking chamber. This means that aside from being able to remove them for cleaning, you can shift the plates around to customise your smoke and heat control. The additional benefits of a BOSS Reverse Flow is that our tuning plates act at the baffle. The best built smoker in the world, The Beast reverse flow offset smoker and charcoal grill is truly a sight to behold. Quicker return to temperature after chamber door has been opened. People always get disturbed by the smoke while cooking indoors, and that’s natural.

Get the latest information about Smokeless grills. Stops temperature spikes when adding more fuel to to fire. Top 5 Best Smokeless grills for 2022 Buyer guide and FAQs. Prevents harsh heat overcooking meat closes t to firebox. Their design allows for superior smoking as compared to a regular offset smoker. A regular offset smoke and heat travels directly from the firebox towards the chimney, which can create cold spots in the pit.Ĭreates an even cooking temperature throughout the cooking chamber, with little to no cold spots. Short and straightforward, reverse flow smokers are BBQ smokers with internal chambers, baffles, and plates that direct heat to the furthest opposite side of the firebox, forcing hot air and smoke to travel to the entire length of the cooking chamber before reversing back towards the firebox side of the smoker and exiting the smokestack. Final Thoughts What Is A Reverse Flow Smoker A reverse flow smoker is currently hailed as the best equipment for smoking meats. In a reverse flow smoker, the smoke and heat is forced under tuning plates (or baffles), then back over the meat and out the chimney. 0:00 / 3:41 Standard Flow VS Reverse Flow Smoker Low n Slow Basics 84. A regular offset has it's chimney on the opposing side of the firebox, whereas a reverse flow's chimney is on the same side as the firebox. PitMaster Secrets Podcast-The Difference Between Reverse Flow and Offset Smokers SmokerBuilder 17.2K subscribers Subscribe 459 Share 16K views 2 years ago Guess what The PitMasters Secrets. The obvious differences between a regular offset smoker and a reverse flow smoker is where is chimney/smoke stack is.

Reverse Flow allows for more consistent cooking and more consistent results! Boss BBQ Smokers specalise in Reverse Flow Offset Smokers.